The Year 2020 — What Happened to Our World? Covid 19! Hope for a Better Future?

Vaishnavi Shoor
3 min readJul 8, 2021

Life is no different than the weather.

Not only is it unpredictable,

but it shows us a new perspective

of the world every day.

- Suzy Kassem

2020, the beginning of the new decade. A year everybody had so many hopes from. So many plans were made to be a better person, to build a business, to start a new hobby to build better relationships. It was like this year was a reset button for almost everyone.

Image via Freepik
Image via Freepik

The first two months were fantastic, it was a routine life, but there was some news about a virus that originated from China that was doing rounds. No one really paid much heed to the news as this was a foreign virus, and people believed that it wouldn’t really affect the world and would die down soon.

By the end of February 2020, the cases for this new virus started rising, and it was time that the world governments took notice of it and some safety rules were put in for international travelers. Little did that help, and by the beginning of March 2020 the cases were still on the rise & more and more people around the world started getting infected. Soon the WHO declared the Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic, and then the scenario is completely different around the world.

Overnight there was a lockdown announced. Strict rules were placed, and people were homebound. A lot of businesses were affected and jobs were lost. There was utter chaos and mayhem all over the world.

Image via Pexip

Without a question, the year 2020 had a massive impact on everyone’s lives, and the world as we knew it changed completely for the first time. We assumed we’d take a vacation and stay in our homes for a few days, but little did we know that the pandemic was here to stay.

Despite the terrible situation, I tried to make the most of the time and the opportunity that was available to me due to the lockdown. Being an Image Consultant, I moved my work to an online platform. I started taking up sessions on zoom and conducted a lot of workshops so that people can better themselves during this time. As most of the working professionals had spare time during the day, the response was overwhelming. I had always been interested in learning psychology, and this was a perfect opportunity for me. I immediately enrolled in a diploma program.

This serves as a huge reminder that even when things don’t seem to be going as we would like them to, we will eventually find our way back and that life during and after the pandemic will be alright but probably not picture perfect.

As a bit of recommendation, I personally found that focusing on my goals and connecting with my friends and family helped me get through this year. We all have someone who we can rely on during these trying times. Give them a call or drop a text, it’s a sure shot way to instantly uplift your mood, I promise :)

